Jonas Peter's RA2


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Tips and Cheats

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5 Allied tips from one of the best:

1. These tips are to be used when Eagle Red 1.5 or newer has been setup... Depending on your skill choose however many enemies are best, play on 'team continants' map with Netherland team. Start you're base and have lots of Air Defence, and later on when you build a War Factory... Put it away from your base with a gap generator near it!
2. Send out Dolphins to find Oil Rigs and Water Crates, don't let these units be found. Plus back at base have three Grand Canons near your Naval Yard.
3. Have some transports with simple AND prism tanks in them, send them some where on your enemy's island away from they're base and deploy them. At this time build TWO stealth bombers.
4. Have carriers ready to attack they're base, while anti-air craft fire is aimed at Hornets, get the Stealths to blow they're Construction Yard.
5. They are now shortly crippled, but no fear. Time to make use to those prism tanks!

5 Soviet tips from one of the best:

1. These tips are to be used when Eagle Red 1.5 or newer has been setup... Depending on your skill choose however many enemies are best, and play on 'inland map'. Be the team with Demolition Trucks, they rule.
2. Make a base and have PLENTY of gun turrets (later you'll want to use  telsa coils too.) Make sure you build at least three harvest drones.
3. Once you have a battle lab (with wall 'round it) build five Demo Trucks and have ten Gattaling Gun tanks with two Tyronisourus tank to gaurd the GG tanks.
4. Iron Curtain the Demo Trucks and blow next to your enemy's Contruction Yard (it's dead) the kill they're War Factory & Service Depot with the GG tanks while the Tys keep the GGs safe.
5. Most of these units will have been lost but now your enemy is crippled, use whatever money you have left to build Kirovs- they'll finish the base off!


The ten tips you have read were just MY strategy ways, they may not go well for begginers or reckless players.